Friday, March 17, 2017

The Consultant Planner

At RootsTech 2017 last month, a new tool was introduced for general use by Temple and Family History Consultants. It is referred to as the Consultant Planner. Its aim is help consultants easily access the accounts of the people they are helping on an on-going basis, and to create lesson plans for finding family names to take to the temple.

To use it, click Get Help in the upper right hand corner of the screen and select Help Others.


  1. Thanks for all you do. Here is a presentation on the Consultant Planner that shows how to use it effectively, in conjunction with Mike Sandberg's Find, Take, Teach.

  2. Thank you for posting this link. I found it very helpful and wonder why it isn't more widely published. I am a TFHC in MN (formerly Family History Center Director) and have been in several of your classes in SLC. I just stumbled across Bill's blog.
