Saturday, March 30, 2024

Using "Help Others" to solve an urgent problem`

The voice on the phone was somewhat frantic: "We are taking our daughter to the Cardston temple to be baptized for a close relative, I created an account for her but I have lost the username and password."

I suggested that my caller use the "Forgot Username" and "Forgot Password" functions but apparently they were on vacation and this would be difficult.

Then I asked,
"Have you ever tried the Help Others link to sign into someone else's account as a helper?" She had not.

 So I said, "Let me try, to make sure
you can print the card.I asked the child's names, date of birth and the last 5 characters of her Church membership number. I used these successfully to sign in as a helper.
I checked that the child was an immediate family member of
the deceased relative, Good, no permission was required.

Then I ch
ecked the relative's ordinance status, and was relieved to see that the child already had the ordinances reserved.

ing looked good, so I guided the mother through the steps of signing in in as her daughter's helper, and printing the card to take to the Cardston Temple. Fortunately the mother had access to a printer, but if not, the long number from the card would allow the temple to print the card.

The mother
soon had the ordinance card in her hands. 

"Help Others" is an amazing tool.