Sunday, February 16, 2025

T&FH Training for my stake: RootsTech and Memories


As leaders and consultants, our job for the next 3 weeks is to invite everyone to RootTech.

Opportunities include Coordinating meetings, Relief Society, Priesthood, Sunday School, Young Women, Primary, and personal conversations with friends and family. Something at RootsTech may totally change someone's life for the better.

Get ready for RootsTech 2025 (30 seconds) Super!!

Welcome to RootsTech 2025 (visuals without sound. cycles thru 4 screens in about a minute)

I especially enjoy Relatives at RootsTech and tonight I discovered that a long-time friend is my 6th cousin twice removed, 😃

RootsTech will have something for everyone.

Consider the final words of the Old Testament, in Malachi 4:5-6

"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:
"And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."

We are part of the Lord's work.

FamilySearch Memories can help us to know and love our ancestors and their families.

Let's view this 2-minute video.
Your memories can live forever on FamilySearch (about 2 minutes)

Memories Choices include:
      Add Photo or Document (upload files)
     Write a Story (write in plain text - maybe 10 minutes worth, for longer items save as PDF and use the choice above)
     Add an Audio (create or upload)

Once items have been uploaded they are safely stored for future enjoyment.

Some Limits:
Maximum of 1000 Memories per profile
Public or Private? Public Memories should not identify living people.
Maximum size of any one Memories item is 15 MB.
Only certain popular file formats are supported, but your computer can save images and/or text as PDF files. If you have trouble uploading photos try one of these file formats PNG, PDF/A, JPG/JPEG or JPEG 2000.
PDF is the best format for multi-page items. e,g, books and other word processor documents,
If scanning images, use a minimum of 300 dpi (600 is better) to preserve good image quality.
The easiest way to create and upload audio files is from your phone using the Memories mobile app.
Audio files are usually limited to about 5 minutes in length to fit in the 15 MB limit without extensive tinkering. (The free Audacity software is great for tinkering with sampling rates, etc, I have a 22 minute audio clip that is 15MB in size.)

You cannot upload videos to FamilySearch Memories, But videos can be saved to Youtube etc, and then linked to FamilySearch Memories. This works so long as the link is live.)
e.g. has live and dead links.
Albums can be accessed by anyone who has the album's link even without a FamilySearch account, so an easy way to share Memories.

You can instantly colorize black and white photos or repair faded color photos by using your free account at

This is not an exhaustive list, but is based on my experience uploading thousands of Memories and supporting Memories in FamilySearch Support.

Remember that items in your home and on your home computer are at risk of being lost over time. FamilySearch Memories can keep copies of them safe for future generations,

I hope you find this helpful.


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