Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Our Stake Fair?

 On Saturday morning, I had a phone call asking what we can do in our stake fair to encourage family history and temple attendance, In two weeks??? And asking about what we will be doing in the regional Temple and Family History event in October.

This was a bit of a shock since I was unaware of both events. So I had nothing planned, I found out that my fellow stake consultant was also unaware, Obviously we need to work on communicating better, We do put out a monthly stake newsletter, but we can only inform others of what we know,

I asked a few questions and I found out that the expectation for the stake fair was basically a display table and some consultants to answer questions. That seemed very manageable. In fact, if the stake could provide us with a TV we could do much better than that, There are some good videos we could use, and a slide show of local temples might be a good way to attract viewers, If I had more advance warning I would have bought a supply of the tri-fold leaflet Family History: Get Started Now, At roughly a penny each, I could afford to be generous. I have a few copies of Our Family : Stories that Bring Us Together but at $1 each, my frugal Scottish ancestry might be a bit of a challenge. Of course, I can print blank pedigree charts on my printer ,,, 

What other suggestions do you have?


Sometimes working in family history can leave us feeling isolated. That should not be the case, as a favorite old talk reminds us.

“All of us have parents, friends, or other loved ones who have passed away. They too exercise faith in our behalf. Do parents stop caring because they die? Are friends no longer friends at death? Does caring stop at the grave? I want you to know it does not. Life is eternal.

“And what of those yet unborn? Do they have an interest in your success? Your unborn children watch you from above with great interest and concern. They want the best for themselves and for you. You can be sure of it. Probably millions of spirits yet to be born cheer loudly for the millions of us who prepare the way for them. I believe it could be no other way.

“My message to you is, hopefully, clear. Every person in this life has a cheering section. It is composed of those around us, those who have passed over to the other side, and those who are yet to come.”

“Above all, I bear you my witness that there is a Father in Heaven who put you here and wants you back. His support alone will do it. May we draw close to him so we can know it. May we then give it to those around us who need it, especially our own families. May the Spirit give you the same assurance that I have that our Father lives, that he loves us, and that he, together with many others, can bring us safely home.” - Paul H. Dunn, “The Cheering Section,” Ensign, June 1980

Sunday, April 14, 2024

My Elders Quorum President

I was reminded recently of old friends, now deceased, Chesley and Joan Pierson, of Calgary 5th Ward.

In 1964 I was a convert of 2 years, preparing to serve a fulltime mission.

Ches and Joan arranged to take me to the temple for the first time. They were wonderful, generous people. At that time the closest temple was in Cardston, a 2 or 3 hour drive from Calgary,  Ches was my escort, my guide, and my helper. 

At the end of the session, we were descending the stairs from the Celestial room dressed in white. I had the strongest impression that this was like Jacob's vision at Bethel. I have never forgotten this. 

The temple has remained important to me ever since. One of my choicest callings was to serve with my wife in the Edmonton Temple for 19 years.

And my experiences in the House of The Lord started when my elders quorum president invited me to come to the temple with him and his wife. Bless you both, my friends.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Using "Help Others" to solve an urgent problem`

The voice on the phone was somewhat frantic: "We are taking our daughter to the Cardston temple to be baptized for a close relative, I created an account for her but I have lost the username and password."

I suggested that my caller use the "Forgot Username" and "Forgot Password" functions but apparently they were on vacation and this would be difficult.

Then I asked,
"Have you ever tried the Help Others link to sign into someone else's account as a helper?" She had not.

 So I said, "Let me try, to make sure
you can print the card.I asked the child's names, date of birth and the last 5 characters of her Church membership number. I used these successfully to sign in as a helper.
I checked that the child was an immediate family member of
the deceased relative, Good, no permission was required.

Then I ch
ecked the relative's ordinance status, and was relieved to see that the child already had the ordinances reserved.

ing looked good, so I guided the mother through the steps of signing in in as her daughter's helper, and printing the card to take to the Cardston Temple. Fortunately the mother had access to a printer, but if not, the long number from the card would allow the temple to print the card.

The mother
soon had the ordinance card in her hands. 

"Help Others" is an amazing tool.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Technology, our frennemy

Yesterday I visited a friend and showed him how to use the FamilySearch Memories app to easily record short stories for his grandchildren, They love his stories. He is a Metis elder and knows lots of stories. 

Then I suggested that he create a folder, perhaps calling it Grandpa's Stories, and add his recordings to that album. Then he can share the URL/web address of the album with family members. Then they can click the link to access the album. They do not need a FamilySearch account, just a device with internet access and a web browser. I think he was impressed by my technical expertise. 

After I returned home, we had a phone call from a niece that we have rarely been in touch with. 

She talked about family, one of our favorite topics. She said she had some family photos to share with us. 

Then we ran into a technology snag. We found that we use different technologies to communicate.

After the phone call, our landline phone kept ringing and trying to read confused text messages to us.

Then our niece phoned again and asked if we had received the photos.   

I explained that this phone is voice-only and has no text function.

She then offered to post them on Facebook, which we don't normally use, but where I would try to connect. She sent a friend request, which I accepted and I was able to see the photos and download them,

Then I figured out how to send a message to let her know that we had received the photos, and that if she would send me an email, I would send her a link to an album containing my photos on that family line. 

We quickly become comfortable with the technologies that we use regularly, but there is a whole world of other technologies.. .


 Free "partner subscriptions" for Church members to commercial sites

Monday, February 5, 2024

Do I Have Relatives in the Church?`

 This is a common question from converts. As a convert of 52 years, it still interests me.

I recently had this question from a distant cousin. After listing a few relatives, I made the following suggestion:

On Feb 29 - March 2 we have RootsTech (www.familysearch.org/en/rootstech/) which we can watch at home for free, and one of their special features is Relatives at Rootstech, where you can see a map of your relatives who have registered for RootsTech (and have given permission for some of their contact info to be displayed,)  It is a lot of fun. As the world's largest family history event, many of these relatives are not members of the Church, but members who are actively involved in family history will also be there. Check it out on Feb 29th. You may be very pleasantly surprised.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Using the FamilySearch Mobile Apps on a Smart Phone or Tablet

The Church has two family history apps, available for free from the Apple and Google app stores. (Some features work best if you are connected to lots of ancestors.)

FamilySearch Memories is used for photos, recordings or stories on the FamilySearch Family Tree.

Tap the + sign in the circle to take a picture, or write a story or record a 5 minute audio.

FamilySearch Family Tree allows you to use these menus:

Tree: View your ancestors and their families (by clicking the Up arrows or vertical dots)

Tasks: Reserve temple ordinances or attach sources to document people's lives.

Temple: Tap Ordinances Ready to ask for cards that allow you to do temple ordinances.

If you cannot print the cards, write the 16-digit numbers on a piece of paper and ask the temple office to print the matching cards. (Or they may scan it from your phone.)
You can also view your existing temple reservations, ordinances you have shared, etc,
To book an appointment > More (vertical dots) > My Temple > Sign-in and choose time.

Search Historical Records: This is part of researching an ancestor's life.

Find a Person: To search for a deceased person in the Family Tree.

Relatives Around Me: This is s fun group activity, to find if and how you are related.

Map My Ancestors: See where your ancestors came from. Successive taps reveal more details.

Improve Place Names: Help computers to identify place names for better searches, hints, etc.

My Contributions: What contributions have you made to FamilySearch?

Contacts: Who have you added as contacts?

Family Groups: To create and manage FamilySearch Groups for research and ordinances.

Family History Activities: from the website. There are dozens of possibilities. Results will be best if you have connected yourself to lots of ancestors.

Where am I from: shows a map of your ancestors origins.

All about me: What was happening the year you were born? (etc) What does your name mean? How popular is your name? Where in the world does your name come from? What were the top news stories and tech break-throughs when you were born?
What famous people are you related to, and how? Record your story. Picture yourself dressed for different time periods. etc, etc.

To help other people > Get involved > 3 lines > Opportunities > Name Review

Chat: Send a message to someone who is researching your family or chat in real time.

Notifications: See your notifications from FamilySearch

Memories: You can access the Memories app from here

Screens: I have not found a use for this screen.

Settings: Use the App menu to turn on all the features, especially Show Temple Ordinances

Permissions: This may need to be turned on for Relatives Around Me to work.

Help: Access FamilySearch Support, a FamilySearch Center, Frequently Asked Questions, etc.

Sign Out: I normally stay signed in, but this is an option.

If you see very few ancestors, ask your parents to check their view of the Family Tree. If they see people that you do not see, ask them to help you add the missing people to your view of the family tree. Your ward Temple and Family History Consultants can also help you.

This Youtube video can also help: FamilySearch: When Your Family Tree Is Empty

- Bill Buchanan - November 2023

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Enjoying family history in the digital age

The "digital age" opens up possibilities that never existed before.

Recently I came across a youtube video of a drone flight over the little village or Dumquin in Northern Ireland. This included multiple views of Lower Langfield church, where my great grand uncle William Buchanan married Ann Thompson on 24 March 1846, about a year before the family emigrated to Canada. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-J67ToqtnE   (Lower Langfield is about 3 minutes into the video.)

This church and surrounding farming districts are also referred to in the song "The Hills above Drumquin"

FamilySearch Memories does not currently support videos, but links to external videos have worked.

The digital age can breathe new life into family history and make it easier to share. Maybe give it a try.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Easy family history slide show

 For our (Canadian) Thanksgiving dinner, we were expecting 30 family members.

I wanted something that would turn the hearts of family members to special experiences we have enjoyed over the years, Some family members are not members of the Church and others are currently less active. I wanted to remind them them of earlier times without appearing to "preach" to them.

I had the impression that a slide show running silently on the TV would be a good option. People could choose to watch it or not. And it might invite the spirit,

I considered various ways of doing this, Some of them seemed rather labor intensive at short notice. Then I remembered that FamilySearch Memories Albums have a Slideshow option and checked to see if I had an album that would be suitable. After a few false starts, I found exactly what I was looking for. 

Is there a way to cast it to the living room TV from my computer?

Yes. In the Chrome browser, I right-clicked, selected "Cast", and chose "Living Room TV."

I put the slideshow on a continuous loop and chose half speed.

It worked beautifully, Family members would point out to their children or grandchildren "That was me when I was small.."

It was a great family history activity, and once I had figured it out, it only took 5 minutes to set it up because I had already created a suitable album. 

Albums are also a handy way to send hundreds of photos in an email. (Clue: send the URL of the album.)

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Easy Sourcing

 Easy Sourcing Is Back

RecordSeek is working again. This is the free utility app that I find so handy for creating sources for FamilySearch from other websites. It works slightly differently than before, but it works. https://recordseek.com/

While I strongly endorse sourcing, I have a few personal reservations about the saying "Sources prove your pedigree." life is not always that simple. (My great aunt Maggie's parents, as listed on her marriage record, never existed, but she was marrying a cousin and didn't want too many questions asked.) 

A more common problem is sources being attached to the wrong people, But usually this is easily determined. Of course,, if you have seven brothers who settle in the same area, and who name their sons after their brothers, it does get a little complicated. (e.g. "Old Andy's Young Andy's Wee Andy" and other Buchanans in Donegal, Ontario, after 1847)

Still, I spend a lot of very rewarding time sourcing my genealogy. I try to be extra careful when I know that there are other people in the community with the same names.

I try to live up to the standard required to make the saying true: "Sources prove your pedigree."

I wish you success in using sources.

- Bill Buchanan

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

My ancestors have disappeared from Familysearch, what can I do?

This question came up in our Temple and Family History workshop at our stake's Mid-Singles Conference last week, where I was helping as a stake consultant.

The member asking this question knew that his ancestors had been researched for several generations, but when he looked in Family Tree he could not see them. 

We discovered that the ancestors were still there, and when we helped him connect to them, all was well. If you encounter this problem, take 3 minutes to watch this video that explains the process of how to connect to deceased ancestors. (Please click "Like" so Youtube realizes that this video is still relevant.)

I know that I have suggested this video before, but it answers so many questions so nicely that I try to make it part of every training session. I don't think we need to choose between "Add" and "Find" (a parent) but otherwise it remains excellent training.