Saturday, March 21, 2020

System is currently unavailable

"When looking at my family tree and expanding it for a few minutes I then get a "system is currently unavailable" sign and everything goes blank. This has happened many times in the last week. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or what?"

A recurring error message may mean that it is time to clean the browser's hidden cache folder, ie, The underlying error may have been cleared up but the browser keeps bringing up an old error message.from its cache. See How do I delete all of the cookies and temporary files stored by my internet browser? (53752) 
If that does not resolve the issue, try using a different browser to see if the issue persists. Generally Chrome, Firefox and the totally new version of Edge should work best.
Another alternative is to use a non-caching browser session such as Chrome's Incognito mode. 

If none of those helped, you may have an issue with your internet connection. Maybe run a speed test or turn the power off and then on your modem or router to reset the connection. 
To test Internet connection speed, go to any of the following sites:    Powered by Netflix.
We hope this helped! We encourage you to continue your work in FamilySearch Family Tree and correct any errors that you can document. The Help Center in the Help menu, provides answers for many of the common questions. For less-common questions, we encourage you to use the Help center to contact us by telephone, chat or email.  If you are having trouble with a record in Family Tree, please provide the unique ID for the record to make it easy to find.
Following these steps allowed the patron to resolve the issue.

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