Thursday, November 21, 2019

Understanding Ordinances Ready, Family Tree Overview

An excellent overview of the FamilySearch Family Tree can be viewed in about 45 minutes. 
I think this would be excellent for all Temple and Family History Consultants. But don't expect patrons to watch it, as the deluge of information may just confuse them.
Click the link to view this interview with a FamilySearch representative.


At the other extreme we have Ordinances Ready. This is the wonderful and easy way to get a few ordinances for your next temple trip. Go to the Temple menu on the website or mobile app, and select Ordinances Ready.

Where does Ordinances Ready get names? (564428)
The Ordinance Ready feature helps you find names easily for your next temple trip. The names provided may be from your own family, or they may be names that other Church members have shared with the temple.

Specifically, the Ordinances Ready feature looks in these places:

1. Your family names list (or "temple list" or "reservation list"). These are family names that you have reserved in Family Tree. They are on your family names list.

2. Your family names that you shared with the temple. These are names that you reserved in Family Tree and then shared with the temple. They are on your family names list. As long as a temple has not yet printed a shared name, the Ordinances Ready feature can unshare the name so you can print the card.

3. Names of people who are related to you that have been shared with the temple by someone else. These names are in your tree and were reserved by someone else and then shared by that other person with the temple.

4. "Green temples" from your tree. These are names that Ordinances Ready finds by scanning 10 generations of your ancestors and 5 generations of their descendants for incomplete ordinances. The ordinances have not yet been reserved by anyone. If you were to look in Family Tree, the name would have a green temple icon. Before giving you one of these ordinances, FamilySearch makes sure no possible duplicates exist for the record.

5. Names not related to you that have been shared with the temple. If no ordinances are available from other sources, Ordinances Ready will retrieve available ordinances that have been submitted to the temple by any patron. These ordinances from temple inventory will be provided in the same order they were submitted to the temple. You can perform ordinances for these individuals to whom you may or may not have a direct relationship.

Ordinances Ready finds names for you that are your same sex (that is, Ordinances Ready finds only male names for male users and female names for female users) and from your own family tree, not from your spouse's family tree. If you are trying to print family name cards for a spouse or someone else, you will need to sign in as a helper first. If you are signed in as a helper, Ordinances Ready will find names only that are for the same sex as the person you are helping and from that person's family tree.

Related Articles
Using the Ordinances Ready feature to easily find names for the temple (542303)

Note: If the patron has an empty tree, Ordinances Ready will only have access to option 5. So a half hour spent helping them to add their parents, grandparents and great grandparents has the potential to give them access to names of their own extended family to take to the temple.

If the patron wants more than a few ordinance cards, this tool is not for them. It is not designed to provide stacks of temple cards for ward or stake groups or family reunions. But it is an easy single- person endeavor. If you want to do 4 baptisms or an endowment, it is perfect!

Ordinances Ready's temple reservations have a very short shelf life. They expire in 90 days.

Since the cards produced are usually for a single ordinance, you cannot follow-up by completing the remaining ordinances for that person if they come from options 3 and 5. So you do ordinances for someone else the next time.

And if the patron wants to reserve ordinances and then share them electronically with someone else, there are different tools for that task.

It is an easy tool that almost anyone can learn to use in 5 or 10 minutes to print temple cards. .

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