Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Our Stake Fair?

 On Saturday morning, I had a phone call asking what we can do in our stake fair to encourage family history and temple attendance, In two weeks??? And asking about what we will be doing in the regional Temple and Family History event in October.

This was a bit of a shock since I was unaware of both events. So I had nothing planned, I found out that my fellow stake consultant was also unaware, Obviously we need to work on communicating better, We do put out a monthly stake newsletter, but we can only inform others of what we know,

I asked a few questions and I found out that the expectation for the stake fair was basically a display table and some consultants to answer questions. That seemed very manageable. In fact, if the stake could provide us with a TV we could do much better than that, There are some good videos we could use, and a slide show of local temples might be a good way to attract viewers, If I had more advance warning I would have bought a supply of the tri-fold leaflet Family History: Get Started Now, At roughly a penny each, I could afford to be generous. I have a few copies of Our Family : Stories that Bring Us Together but at $1 each, my frugal Scottish ancestry might be a bit of a challenge. Of course, I can print blank pedigree charts on my printer ,,, 

What other suggestions do you have?


Sometimes working in family history can leave us feeling isolated. That should not be the case, as a favorite old talk reminds us.

“All of us have parents, friends, or other loved ones who have passed away. They too exercise faith in our behalf. Do parents stop caring because they die? Are friends no longer friends at death? Does caring stop at the grave? I want you to know it does not. Life is eternal.

“And what of those yet unborn? Do they have an interest in your success? Your unborn children watch you from above with great interest and concern. They want the best for themselves and for you. You can be sure of it. Probably millions of spirits yet to be born cheer loudly for the millions of us who prepare the way for them. I believe it could be no other way.

“My message to you is, hopefully, clear. Every person in this life has a cheering section. It is composed of those around us, those who have passed over to the other side, and those who are yet to come.”

“Above all, I bear you my witness that there is a Father in Heaven who put you here and wants you back. His support alone will do it. May we draw close to him so we can know it. May we then give it to those around us who need it, especially our own families. May the Spirit give you the same assurance that I have that our Father lives, that he loves us, and that he, together with many others, can bring us safely home.” - Paul H. Dunn, “The Cheering Section,” Ensign, June 1980

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